The Queen’s Baton Relay comes to Canada

Back in October 2021, Her Majesty, The Queen placed a message into a Baton that then started a 294-day epic journey across the Commonwealth, visiting 72 nations and territories. As it traveled, the Baton inspired people to come together and celebrate in anticipation of the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham UK.
The Baton was specially created by designers and technologists from the West Midlands region of England, in a unique collaboration that fuses science, technology, engineering and art. Birmingham 2022 is making history as the first major multi-sport event to award more medals to women than men. The design of the Baton therefore proudly reflects and celebrates the strength and fortitude of women.
On May 26th the Queen’s Baton arrives in Canada from Bermuda and spends the next four days traveling through Toronto, Hamilton, and St. Catharines Ontario.
From the moment it lands, the Baton will be hosted at a variety of public and private events at locations including Tim Horton’s Field in Hamilton – where the Baton will be introduced at a Tiger-Cats CFL football pre-game show and passed around the stands.
In addition, the Baton will visit Canada Games Park in St. Catharines, to be hosted by the Mayor and Councilors and Baton Bearers from the community get to carry the baton for 100 meters around the track.
The Baton then leaves Canada bound for Gibraltar and other countries, to wind up at the Birmingham 2022 Opening Ceremony where the final Baton bearer will return the Baton to her Majesty, The Queen.