Call for Nominations - Board of Directors

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Commonwealth Sport Canada (CSC) is seeking nominations to fill six (6) volunteer board positions and eight (8) Members-at-Large with passionate, energetic and enthusiastic individuals who are able to dedicate their time and expertise to grow the Commonwealth Sport Movement, Commonwealth Sport Canada and our Canadian sport system.
One (1) President
One (1) Athlete Representative
four (4) Directors-at-Large
eight (8) Members-at-Large
CSC is the international franchise holder for the Commonwealth Games and Commonwealth Sport Movement in Canada, and an active, contributing member of the Canadian sport community. Led by its volunteer Board and supported by professional staff, CSC is committed to strengthening sport in Canada and throughout the Commonwealth.
CSC exists to support our country’s participation in this unique ‘family of sport’ competition and is also a Commonwealth leader in sport and development internationally.
CSC is the only Canadian sport organization that delivers both high performance sport programs in Canada and sport for development programs domestically and abroad. It leverages the transformative powers of sport to inspire and make a difference in countries around the world.
For more information on the CSC and its Strategic Plan, Mission Vision & Values, please visit our website at:
CSC’s Board of Directors is composed of 10 Directors from across the country with diverse backgrounds and expertise in sport, community, business, Games, communications and other areas critical to its operations.
Elections by voting members occur every two (2) years, in the even numbered years (i.e. 2020, 2022). Each Director’s term of office is four (4) years and can serve a maximum of two (2) terms.
The board contributes to the organization through its unique role of stewardship and ensuring proper governance. To distinguish between the Board’s own unique job and that of the CEO, the Board will concentrate its efforts on the following outcomes:
- Establishing a strategic plan that sets out the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities and monitoring progress against measurable goals.
- Establishing a brand that reflects the mandate of the organization and leads to brand recognition within the Canadian sport community and public at large.
- Appointing, compensating, and evaluating the CEO.
- Ensuring effective oversight of organization management.
- Amending the organization’s by-laws and presenting them for ratification at a subsequent meeting of the members.
- Establishing financial policies and approving the business plan, budget, financial controls, and financial statements.
- Establishing and monitoring adherence to governance and organization policies.
- Establishing performance indicators and annually evaluating its performance as a board against the same.
- Ensuring effective succession.
- Ensure Board self-evaluation and succession plan and replace any vacancies that may occur.
CSC’s 16 Members-at-Large are also from across the country with diverse backgrounds and expertise.
Elections by voting members occur every two (2) years, in the even numbered years (i.e. 2020, 2022). Each Member’s term is four (4) years and can serve a maximum of two (2) terms.
The Members-at-Large play an important role in the Organization by:
- Electing the Board of Directors
- Provide additional resources and expertise for the Board and Staff
- Provide the necessary working hands to complement the professional staff on various committees and tasks
- Chair and/or participate in various committees (Standing & Adhoc)
Minimum Requirements
As per the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, the minimum requirements to be eligible as a CSC Director are:
- Must be a resident of Canada
- Must be of legal age (18 years or older)
- Has not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country
- Not have the status of bankrupt
- Have the power under law to contract (i.e. age of majority, not mentally incapacitated)
- Satisfy the requirement of the Income Tax Act in relation to the eligibility to serve as a
Director of a registered charity (i.e. relevant criminal offense)
Time Commitment / Meetings
Elected Directors are expected to commit the necessary time required to perform Board and Committee responsibilities. On average, CSC has 2 face-to-face Board Meetings per year and 2-3 virtual meetings (up to 2 hours each). Chairing & participation on at least one CSC Committee is required.
Members-at-Large are expected to commit approximately two to four hours per month to perform the duties assigned to them. Each Member-at-Large must sit on at least one CSC Committee. Each committee averages approx. 3-5 virtual meetings of one hour per year plus attendance at the Annual General Meeting. Committees are all hands on working committees, not just providing advice and guidance.
Directors will be recruited based upon their demonstrated ability to contribute significantly to the leadership of CSC and to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.
Specific Characteristics & Competencies of Directors for Elections 2022
CSC is currently seeking expertise in the areas of business, corporate, governance, marketing and communications. The specific characteristics and competencies as outlined below will complement the overall body of knowledge and skills possessed by the Board and its Directors as a whole, to effectively govern the CSC and its operations.
President (1 position available)
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Members and Board of Directors, and shall perform such other duties as may be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. The President shall have a second or casting vote at meetings of the Members and Board of Directors. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Corporation. The President shall, in the absence or disability of the CEO, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the CEO. In the absence or disability of the President, the Board of Directors shall appoint from amongst themselves, an Acting President who shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President until such time as the President resumes his or her position or a new President is appointed.
Directors-at-Large (3 positions available)
CSC is looking for individual(s) to build upon their current complement of Board expertise that will allow CSC to continue to grow and develop strong connections within the corporate and business sector. Elected directors will be a complement of the following skillsets and competencies:
Financial Acumen
Business Acumen
Revenue Generation
Fund Development
Sport/High Performance Knowledge
Corporate Influence
Marketing / Branding
Media/Social Media
Note: For all Director-at-Large positions open for elections in 2022, not all skills & competencies identified above are expected of each position. The specific characteristics and competencies will be a balance and complement of the overall body of knowledge and skills possessed by the Board as a whole.
Members-at-Large (up to 8 positions available)
CSC is looking for individual(s) with experience and expertise to fill a number of key committees (i.e. Governance, Finance, High Performance, Bidding and Alumni).
Interested candidates for both Elected Director and Member-at-Large positions are required to provide a MAXIMUM 2-page profile, using ONLY the CSC Nomination Form which includes the following information:
- Name, address, daytime and evening phone numbers, email address, best contact time
- Reason for expression of interest, what you feel you can contribute to the CSC
- Skills, education, certification, and experience related to the position
- Sport/community/business accomplishments
- A list of references
Applications should be emailed to Nominations Committee at:
The deadline for applications is midnight EST on Monday, October 17, 2022.
The CSC Members will elect the Directors and Members-at-Large in accordance with CSC By-laws and CSC’s Nominations & Elections Policy and Procedures.
The Nominations Committee will consider all candidates and will evaluate each of them, based on the requirements, competencies and skill sets as noted above. In addition, the Nominations Committee will apply the overriding principles of ensuring the promotion of diversity of the Board in relation to regional balance, age, language, gender, ethnicity, under-represented groups, persons’ with a disability, professional backgrounds and personal experiences.
The successful election of Directors, will be based upon the candidate’s demonstrated characteristics, skills and competencies, all of which will contribute to the overall leadership and strategic direction of the CSC.
The 2022 Elections for CSC will take place in Hamilton, Ontario on November 19, 2022 at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).