Alumni Program

Around the country, former Commonwealth Sport Canada (CSC) people want to stay in touch with our organization, reconnect with former colleagues and make valuable contacts through the Commonwealth Sport Canada Alumni Program.

People who leave CSC are never truly "lost" to our Organization. Most value the time they spent with us: the friends they made; the things they learned and the opportunities it provided to them. CSC is proud to have been a part of so many lives and would cherish the opportunity to continue the relationship through the CSC Alumni Program!

The objective(s) of the Alumni program is to create an engaged community.  A well run Program can serve a number of important purposes, such as:

  1. Allow for alumni interaction and networking;
  2. Promote feelings of affinity and loyalty towards CSC and to foster a lifelong relationship with the Commonwealth Sport Movement;
  3. Encourage alumni to become engaged through volunteerism:
    1. Organize special events which are fun and exciting;
    2. Mentorship Opportunities;
    3. Increase awareness, raise the profile and enhance the reputation of CSC and work that we do (Speakers Program, Schools Program);
    4. Provide support for awards
  4. Assist in finding "lost alumni


We are reaching out to as many Canadian Commonwealth Sport alumni as possible.  If you are an alumni and would like to register for the Alumni Program or update your contact information click here.

Definition of Alumni:
Alumni means “persons who have been involved with Commonwealth Sport Canada as a Member, Committee Member, Employee, Intern, Athlete, Coach, Official, Organizing Committee (Team Member) and who are no longer in any of those categories”.

When do you become an Alumni, but you must request membership into the Group:
Members:             At the AGM that is your last official function
Employees:          Last day of employment
Interns/CSOs:      At the completion of your tour during debrief
Team Members:   When Games are completed and CSC Certificate distributed

Participating in the Commonwealth Games was an incredible achievement!  By virtue of your participation on Team Canada, whether recently or many games ago in 1930, when they were first born - you are now a Commonwealth Sport Canada Alumnus. As a valued CSC Alumnus you are eligible to receive:

  • e-updates on news & information about the Commonwealth sport movement in Canada and abroad.
  • invitations to CSC events (reunions, Team Canada celebrations, etc.)
  • exclusive access and offers on CSC/Team Canada clothing, Commonwealth sport events tickets and packages, etc.
  • service discounts

We would love to stay in touch or reconnect with you.  CSC’s Alumni Program is a great way to keep in touch with your Commonwealth colleagues and receive exclusive benefits.

We strive to keep in touch with every CSC Alumni, if you know of any CSC athletes, coaches, officials or volunteers please encourage them to join. If you are interested in volunteering for the Alumni in roles such as; athlete mentoring, organizing a CSC event in your area, etc. please contact the CSC office. Finally, we are always interested in hearing from you - please don't hesitate to contact the CSC office with any questions or comments you may have.


Team Canada

Don McFarlane

Dr. Navin Prasad
Mission Staff
2008, 2010 and 2014

Barbara Howard Athlete

Susan Nattrass
1990, 2002, 2006,
2010 and 2014

Abby Hoffman
1962 and 1966

Louis Moustakas

Chantal Petitclerc
2002 and 2006

Willie deWit

Angela Bailey
1978, 1982, 1986

Margie Schuett
1980 to 2006

Zenon Andrusyshyn


Heather Moyse
SportWORKS Officer





















#1 - June 2016
#2 - December 2016
#3 - June 2018
#4 - March 2019
#5 - June 2019

#6 - NOVEMBER 2019

#7 - MAY 2020

#8 - OCTOBER 2020

#9 - MARCH 2021

#10 - JUNE 2021

#11 - DECEMBER 2021

#12 - FEBRUARY 2023

#13 - JULY 2023

#14 - DECEMBER 2023

#15 - APRIL 2024