Making a Difference & Becoming Different

SportWORKS Projects

Commonwealth Games Canada has been involved in over 125 sport for development and sport development projects in over 30 countries around the world. Brief summaries of some of these projects are given below which includes: their geographic location, partners involved, and the associated CGC initiative.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights sport as “an important enabler of sustainable development”. It recognizes the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect, and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and girls, young people, individuals, and communities, as well as to health, education, gender equality and social inclusion objectives. Thanks to the generous support of the Government and Canada and our other donors, CGC is proud to be one of the world’s pioneers of international sport for development and sport development work.

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Program for Adolescent Mothers (PAM)

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Grenada

The Program for Adolescent Mothers (PAM) offers pregnant adolescents and teenage mothers opportunities to complete their educational studies and develop their personal and professional skills through an integrated program of academics, skills training, and personal development. CGC helped develop and teach PAM’s health classes, as well as provided counseling support.

Project Strong

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Barbados
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Dominica
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Grenada
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

Through a program combining sports, cultural activities, and vocational training, Project Strong offers basic education to youth who have failed to stay in the structured school system and equips them with employable skills while developing their self-esteem. CGC was the coordinating agency to facilitate this program working with the Project Strong Working Committee and the Organization of Caribbean Administrators of Sport and Physical Education (OCASPE). The program was piloted in St.

Kitts and has since grown throughout the Caribbean.

Promoting Gender Equality and Healthy Lifestyles

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • St. Lucia
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Turks and Caicos Islands

CGC worked with the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) to promote gender equality in sport and proper nutrition among youth and sport communities of the Caribbean. Building on an existing sport administration program, this project involved adapting materials to provide additional skills training for women with the goal of creating more employment opportunities.

Ramotswa Youth Sports Association (RYSA) Support

  • Africa
  • Botswana

The Ramotswa Youth Sport Association (RYSA) was established though a partnership with the City of Toronto and the South East District Council. Its goal is to develop an organized, sustainable, sports infrastructure such that sports programs and accompanying healthy lifestyle and HIV/AIDS awareness information is accessible to all boys and girls within the South East District Council. RYSA uses a similar model as Kenya’s Nobel Peace Prize winning Mathare Youth Sport Association (MYSA).

CGC helped facilitate a partnership to enable MYSA youth to help those in the RYSA based on their experience to date.

Ready & Able

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

Ready & Able provides children with a disability sporting opportunities in their schools and communities. Participants learn life lessons and have opportunities to improve their skills and become empowered, while encouraging community integration and awareness of children with a disability. Activities have been adapted to accommodate persons with mild to severe disabilities spanning visual, mental, physical, and or auditory impairments.

Working with TTASPE, CGC volunteers have supported the program’s planning, development, and delivery.

S4N Calgary

  • Caribbean & Americas

Working with Centre for Newcomers in Calgary to increase newcomer youth sport participation rates and support social inclusion, the project aims to build NSO organizational capacity through internship placements of SportWORKS Officers, who assist with the transfer of knowledge and capacity building at NSOs for staff and volunteers, by developing resources/materials, building partnerships with local sport organizations, seeking local program funding opportunities and by assisting with the accu

mulation of data for baseline results of pilot monitoring and evaluation for future programming and longitudinal indicators

S4N Charlottetown

  • Caribbean & Americas

Working with Immigrant and Refugees Association of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown to increase newcomer youth sport participation rates and support social inclusion, the project aims to build NSO organizational capacity through internship placements of SportWORKS Officers, who assist with the transfer of knowledge and capacity building at NSOs for staff and volunteers, by developing resources/materials, building partnerships with local sport organizations, seeking local program funding

opportunities and by assisting with the accumulation of data for baseline results of pilot monitoring and evaluation for future programming and longitudinal indicators

S4N Edmonton

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Canada

Working with Action for Healthy Communities in Edmonton to increase newcomer youth sport participation rates and support social inclusion, the Initiative aims to build NSO organizational capacity through internship placements of SportWORKS Officers, who assist with

the transfer of knowledge and capacity building at NSOs for staff and volunteers, by developing resources/materials, building partnerships with local sport organizations, seeking local program funding opportunities and by assisting with the accumulation of data for baseline results of pilot monitoring and evaluation for future programming and longitudinal indicators.

S4N Hamilton

  • Caribbean & Americas

Working with YMCA of Hamilton, Burlington, Brantford to increase newcomer youth sport participation rates and support social inclusion, the project aims to build NSO organizational capacity through internship placements of SportWORKS Officers, who assist with the transfer of knowledge and capacity building at NSOs for staff and volunteers, by developing resources/materials, building partnerships with local sport organizations, seeking local program funding opportunities and by assisting with

the accumulation of data for baseline results of pilot monitoring and evaluation for future programming and longitudinal indicators

S4N Surrey

  • Caribbean & Americas

Working with DIVERSEcity in Surrey to increase newcomer youth sport participation rates and support social inclusion, the project aims to build NSO organizational capacity through internship placements of SportWORKS Officers, who assist with the transfer of knowledge and capacity building at NSOs for staff and volunteers, by developing resources/materials, building partnerships with local sport organizations, seeking local program funding opportunities and by assisting with the accumulation o

f data for baseline results of pilot monitoring and evaluation for future programming and longitudinal indicators