Making a Difference & Becoming Different

SportWORKS Projects

Commonwealth Games Canada has been involved in over 125 sport for development and sport development projects in over 30 countries around the world. Brief summaries of some of these projects are given below which includes: their geographic location, partners involved, and the associated CGC initiative.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights sport as “an important enabler of sustainable development”. It recognizes the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect, and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and girls, young people, individuals, and communities, as well as to health, education, gender equality and social inclusion objectives. Thanks to the generous support of the Government and Canada and our other donors, CGC is proud to be one of the world’s pioneers of international sport for development and sport development work.

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Girls on the Move (GOTM)

  • Africa
  • Lesotho

Girls On The Move focuses on increasing young women’s participation in sport, as well as providing education on social issues facing Basotho women. Girls are exposed to a new sport activity and healthy lifestyle workshops each week for two months, then given the opportunity to choose a sport to participate in free of charge for a year. Many young women have graduated into the National Federation development program, some of whom have gone on to make national teams.

CGC supported GOTM’s planning and implementation.

Girls’ Empowerment through Sport

  • Africa
  • Tanzania

CGC helped strengthen EMIMA’s girls’ empowerment through sport program which helped to fight gender inequality and empower girls. It provided participants with opportunities to develop leadership and life skills, access peer-led health education focused on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health, and participate actively in the development of their communities.

Go Sisters

  • Africa
  • Zambia
Initiative: Beyond the Podium

Go Sisters promotes gender equality and empowers young female leaders by increasing opportunities for Zambian females to play sport and develop leadership skills. The program focuses on increasing the understanding of, and promotion of human rights; specifically the rights of women in society, the right to education, and the right to rest and play. CGC provided funding and oversight for the Go Sisters program.

High Performance Academy Consulting

  • Africa
  • Botswana

CGC worked with members of the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa Zone VI to review their academy model, assist in operational planning, and provide advice on athlete and coach selection methodologies.

High Performance Training and Capacity Building

  • Africa
  • Kenya

CGC supported elite runners and assisted the training centre with refining organizational structures and securing additional funding to host athletes from other African countries.

Inclusive Sport and Capacity Building

  • Africa
  • Zambia

CGC worked with NPCZ, SCORE, and UK Sport members to develop and deliver programing that promoted equality and acceptance of people with disabilities of all ages. It involved liaising with club, provincial, and national level organizations, as well as helping to establish a National Certified Coaching Program working with NGOs, disabled sport organizations, and government departments.

Jump Rope for Heart

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

Jump Rope for Heart is a national healthy lifestyle project that targets elementary school age children, including persons with disabilities. It is based on using sport as a medium to address social issues associated with youth at risk and is hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Alliance for Sport and Physical Education (TTASPE, now known as the Caribbean Sport and Development Agency (CSDA)). CGC developed and delivered content for the Jump Rope for Heart program.

Kampala Community Sport Development

  • Africa
  • Uganda

Working with ARYI, CGC helped implement a sport for development program which included a sport and physical education program combined with HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention training. This included leading the development of a girls’ basketball league and youth learn to swim programs.

Kicking AIDS Out! (KAO)

  • Africa
  • Botswana
  • Africa
  • Lesotho
  • Africa
  • South Africa
  • Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Africa
  • Zambia
  • Africa
  • Swaziland
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Barbados
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

Kicking AIDS Out is an international network of organizations working together using sport and physical activity to raise HIV/AIDS awareness and motivate behavioural change. Programs implemented by member organizations integrate sport and life skills through movement games, role plays, drama, and other cultural and recreational activities which encourage peers to discuss issues that affect their lives and communities.

Kicking AIDS Out develops programs to train coaches, trainers and leaders, building capacity at the individual, organizational and community level. CGC was involved in developing and delivering Kicking AIDS Out content in Africa and the Caribbean.

Kip Keino Children’s Home

  • Africa
  • Kenya

The Kip Keino Children’s Home provides the basic necessities of food, shelter, and education in an environment where children can grow up with love and relative comfort, and help enable them to care for those around them. CGC’s project with the Children’s Home focused on capacity building and using sport to help develop youth leadership, alleviate the negative effects of poverty, and enhance environmental awareness and action.