Making a Difference & Becoming Different

SportWORKS Projects

Commonwealth Games Canada has been involved in over 125 sport for development and sport development projects in over 30 countries around the world. Brief summaries of some of these projects are given below which includes: their geographic location, partners involved, and the associated CGC initiative.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights sport as “an important enabler of sustainable development”. It recognizes the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect, and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and girls, young people, individuals, and communities, as well as to health, education, gender equality and social inclusion objectives. Thanks to the generous support of the Government and Canada and our other donors, CGC is proud to be one of the world’s pioneers of international sport for development and sport development work.

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Leaders in Training (LIT)

  • Africa
  • Swaziland

CGC co-developed the Leaders in Training (LIT) program with SOCGA members and has been involved in its implementation throughout. LIT’s vision is to empower youth to run grassroots sport development activities in their communities with a special focus on the inclusion of women and girls.

After receiving training in leadership, life skills, HIV/AIDS education, coaching, physical activity and sexual health, the youth leaders organize development through sport activities and act as mentors for their peers and children in the community.

Learn to Swim

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Barbados
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Jamaica
  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Trinidad and Tobago

CGC developed and taught learn to swim programs for children, youth, and adults, including those with disabilities. Red Cross safety courses for prospective lifeguards were also provided.

Mafube Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Program

  • Africa
  • Lesotho

CGC supported the Mafube Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Program which helps marginalized children in Lesotho’s four districts as part of the Olympafrica Youth Ambassador Program (OYAP). Through the Mafube program, OYAP ambassadors travel into the communities and run sports activities and games where these vulnerable youth congregate.

The program provides street kids the opportunity to have fun, while providing them basic HIV/AIDS and healthy lifestyle education through sport activities.

Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA)

  • Africa
  • Kenya

Founded by Canadian Bob Munro in 1987, MYSA has been working in the slums of Mathare outside Nairobi, using sport to provide young people the skills and confidence to improve their lives. MYSA is run by, and for, the over 30,000 young people who take part in its activities and combine their passion for sport with health education and a strong community commitment.

CGC has supported the organization’s development through sport initiatives as well as arranged a south-south partnership with the Ramotswa Youth Sport Association (RYSA).

Meraka-Herd Boys

  • Africa
  • Lesotho

Meraka-Herd Boys, a component of the Olympafrica Youth Ambassador Program (OYAP), supports Basotho shepherd boys, many of whom are orphans, by educating them about health and social issues facing youth in a safe environment through the power of sport. CGC helped organize and deliver the program in communities throughout Lesotho.

Moving the Goalposts Kilifi

  • Africa
  • Kenya

Moving the Goalposts Kilifi empowers girls in Kenya’s communities through football training, leagues, games, and coaching programs, and educates participants about safe sexual practices. CGC assisted with the organization’s branding and communications strategy, collateral development, social media outreach, and website development.

Multi-purpose Sporting Facility Plan

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Barbados

Working with public and private stakeholders, a SportWORKS Officer helped create a plan to develop a multi-purpose sporting facility.

Namibia Volunteer Involvement Program (NAM-VIP)

  • Africa
  • Namibia

The Namibia Volunteer Involvement Program (NAM-VIP) was designed to increase community leadership and organizational capacity throughout the country. Its goal is to recruit and retain volunteer sport leaders through education and recognition, and to increase community sport participation with a focus on the promotion of: healthy lifestyles, HIV/AIDS awareness, gender equality, and youth leadership.

CGC was involved in the program’s development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as mentoring and supporting volunteers within the communities and schools and building further contacts.

National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Development- Colombia

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Colombia

CGC conducted strategic planning workshops with the National Paralympic Committee of Colombia to help improve their organizational structure and expand their programs to assist disabled athletes.

National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Development- Guyana

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Guyana

CGC assisted in the development of the GPO’s 2012 Action Plan as part of its aspiration to become a recognized organization within the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). Workshops assisted the GPO in the areas of: capacity building, strategic planning and development of administrative roles and responsibilities for their officers.