Making a Difference & Becoming Different

SportWORKS Projects

Commonwealth Games Canada has been involved in over 125 sport for development and sport development projects in over 30 countries around the world. Brief summaries of some of these projects are given below which includes: their geographic location, partners involved, and the associated CGC initiative.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights sport as “an important enabler of sustainable development”. It recognizes the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect, and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and girls, young people, individuals, and communities, as well as to health, education, gender equality and social inclusion objectives. Thanks to the generous support of the Government and Canada and our other donors, CGC is proud to be one of the world’s pioneers of international sport for development and sport development work.

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Sponsorship and Branding Support

  • Africa
  • South Africa

CGC assisted the African Commonwealth Games Associations in developing a marketing and sponsorship program and its associated grassroots initiatives. This projects included the development of a brand value proposition which was reviewed by 19 country leaders at the Commonwealth Games General Congress held in Glasgow in 2013.

Sport 4 All

  • Africa
  • Namibia

Working with youth from the Namibian Volunteer Improvement Program (NAM-VIP), local schools, and our partner SCORE, CGC helped implement regular “Sport 4 All” days to promote physical activity and community engagement. Work was also done to improve the capacity of local sport committees to help deliver a sustainable community model.

Sport Capacity Building

  • Africa
  • Zambia

Sport in Action (SIA) is a Zambian NGO that works in schools and communities using sport and recreation as a development tool to help address health and social issues such as HIV/AIDS, and gender equality. The program: imparts life skills, builds capacity, and empowers children and youth, with the goal of creating more active and healthy lives.

CGC provided training for coaches and community leaders in physical literacy, fundamental movement skills, and the skill’s relationship to performance in sport. Advocacy support was also provided for using sport as a developmental tool.

Sport Council Development

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Guyana

Through a strong partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport, CGC help develop sport councils at the community, regional, and national levels. The collective goal of these councils was to increase the number of youth and adults involved in physical fitness across the country.

Sport Development: Football

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Dominica

CGC helped develop the capacity of football in Dominica through coaching workshops attended by youth sport officers, primary and secondary school teachers, academy coaches, and coaches from the Dominica Football Association. Technical workshops with football referees were also provided along with coaching sessions for national and district- level school teams.

Sport Development: Hockey

  • Africa
  • Botswana

CGC helped further develop hockey in Botswana through drop-in sessions, school programs, festivals, refereeing, coaching, and assisting with an international tournament.

Sport Development: Rugby1

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Turks and Caicos Islands

A SportWORKS Officer and former captain of the Cambridge University (UK) and Canadian Rugby teams helped promote the sport of rugby in TCI through coaching clinics, junior and national team development, and technical workshops for elementary school educators.

Sport Development: Rugby2

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Turks and Caicos Islands

CGC is working closely with the Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union (TCIRFU) to help further develop rugby on the islands. This has involved grass roots school programs, summer camps, interschool tournaments, as well as support of the U19 national team.

Sport Development: Swimming

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • Falkland Islands

CGC worked with coaches and athletes to further develop their swim program which involved classroom and pool-based coaching and instruction.

Sport for All

  • Caribbean & Americas
  • St. Lucia

CGC worked with the National Olympic Committee to help develop the country’s Sport for All strategy with the goal of increasing the physical activity of the island’s people.