SportWORKS Partners
Over more than 25 years, Commonwealth Games Canada has built a strong competence in partnership building at international, national, regional, and local levels, to deliver sport for development and sport development programming. These lasting relationships have helped to: empower women and girls, promote gender equality, further community and social development, and build national sport system capacity, throughout the Commonwealth.
As successful projects stem from a team effort, CGC is pleased to recognize our valued partners’ important contributions, many of whom are noted below along with the projects we have jointly completed, or are currently executing.
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African Commonwealth Games Associations (AGCA)
- Africa
- Region

African Regional Youth Initiative (ARYI)
- Africa
- Region

African Regional Youth Initiative (ARYI) Uganda
- Africa
- Uganda

Andy Cole Foundation (later known as All Star Kids)
- Europe
- England

Anguilla Commonwealth Games Association (AGCA)
- Caribbean & Americas
- Anguilla

Antigua & Barbuda Olympic Association (ABOA)
- Caribbean & Americas
- Antigua and Barbuda

Australian Sports Outreach Program
- Pacific
- Australia